
Susan Blackwood - Fixing Watercolors BEFORE & AFTER You Paint 031224 CANCELLED
03/12/2024 09:00 AM - 03/15/2024 04:00 PM ET


Workshops 2023/2024


  • $250.00  -  Non-Member Deposit
  • $670.00  -  Non-Member - Pay In Full


Center for Performing Arts 10150 Bonita Beach Road


Level: All w/experience
“Watercolors are too hard”?! Through my 48 years of teaching watercolors…I have heard that comment a lot. Watercolors are not hard…. What is really hard is: • Learning to let the watercolors react to each of your strokes. • Giving watercolors a chance to create your emotional expression. • To stop trying to control watercolors and letting it work for you! Learn to go deeper into your paintings and find out how to easily let it flow. We all have watercolors that end up as a disappointment. Don’t throw them away! I’ll show you how to revisit your paintings that just didn’t “make it to the finish line”. And revisit ones that got to the finish line and kept going into a train wreck! You know the paintings that are just not right, but you don’t know how to fix them. We will do exercises that make disasters, and then exercises on how to fix them. We can use the same approach to new images as well, opening the door to your creativity and confidence. Bring some paintings to fix and images for new paintings. Your paintings will begin to clearly express your feelings, no matter what style or subject. I have a “bag of tricks” to show you.
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