Event Registration

Clay and Found Objects Level All Lawson 032524
03/25/2024 09:00 AM - 03/29/2024 04:00 PM ET


Workshops 2023/2024


  • $250.00  -  Non-Member Deposit
  • $550.00  -  Non-member Pay in Full


Center for Visual Arts 26100 Old 41 Road


Create an unusual clay artwork (like the one pictured, found object a paint can and the pouring paint & brushes are made out of clay!) incorporating found objects; metal, glass, wood, wire, springs, coins, jewelry, stones, shells, toy parts…anything can be used! The Center will provide some beads & metal, and miscellaneous items, but have fun searching out your own found objects...thrift stores, salvage yards...that junk drawer in your kitchen...we all have them. This is a fun workshop that will challenge you to create something really new and maybe outrageous! Level: All w/experience
Event Registration is closed.
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